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Nebraska State Fire Marshal

Scott Cordes, State Fire Marshal

Contact Information




Phone Number

Aboveground Storage Tanks (except propane)
David Levering
Rosemary Hatton (temporarily)
(402) 416-0071
(402) 471-9664
Aboveground Storage Tanks (propane)
(402) 560-0500
Amusement Rides
(402) 595-3184
Arson Hotline
Local Number
Toll Free
Toll Free
(402) 471-9596
(888) WY-ARSON
(888) 992-7766
Boiler Inspections
(402) 471-9902
Burn Permits - Request
Burn Permits - Regulations
(402) 471-2027
(402) 471-9478
CISM (Critical Incident Stress Management Team)
(402) 471-9596
Delegated Authority Cities
(402) 471-2027
Elevator Inspections
(402) 595-3184
Emergency Responder Training
Corina Kuta
(308) 385-6892
(402) 471-9479
Fire Alarm Inspection - Test Application/Schedule
Fire Alarm Inspection - General Questions
(402) 471-9477
(402) 471-9478
Fire Code Questions (General questions)
Plan Submission Questions
Fire Code Questions (CMS or DHHS)
(402) 560-0500
(402) 314-7300
(402) 471-9478
Fire Department Information
(402) 471-9479
Fire Investigations Reports
Request Form (Investigations/Fire Reports)
(402) 471-9596 Ex 1
Fire Prevention
(402) 471-9478
Fire Sprinklers
Certification (Water-Based Fire Protection)
(402) 560-0500
(402) 326-2830
Fireworks - Display Permits
                 - Display Shooter Test/License
                 - Retail/Distributor/Jobber
                 - Regulations/Code Enforcement
(402) 471-9478
(402) 471-2027
(402) 471-2027
(402) 471-9478
Grain Elevator Invoices
Ronda Jackson
(402) 471-2027
Hotel/Motel Safety Act
(402) 326-2830
Human Resources
(402) 471-9479
Code Enforcement
District A - Jason McClun
District B/C - Todd Wright
(402) 949-0190
(308) 830-1219
Insurance / PILR Reports
(402) 471-9479
Legal Questions
(402) 471-9477
Media Inquiries (General)
Media Inquiries (Fire Related)
(402) 471-9477
(402) 471-9596
Nebraska Accessibility Guidelines
(402) 631-7814
(402) 560-0500
(402) 471-9479
Personnel Questions
(402) 471-9479
Pipeline Safety/One Call
(402) 416-0071
(402) 471-9664
Public Records Request
(402) 405-6137
(402) 471-9477
Reduced Cigarette Ignition Propensity
(402) 471-9477
(402) 471-9479
(402) 471-9477
School Fire Drill Reports
(402) 326-2830
Simulator Trailer
(402) 471-9478
Underground Storage Tanks
(402) 416-0071
(402) 471-9664
(402) 560-0500


**If you still are not sure who to contact based on the following table, send questions or comments to the Webmaster. They will be forwarded to the correct person to respond to your inquiry.**