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Nebraska State Fire Marshal

Doug Hohbein, Interim State Fire Marshal


What kind of computer do I need to run software for NFIRS? 

The informational sheet, Minimum Computer Requirements, explains the minimum requirements that are needed for vendor software and for the Federal Data Entry Tool. Software will run on computers meeting these requirements but it may be slow. It would be better if the computer exceeded these requirements if possible.


Where do I find software for NFIRS?

This vendor list will take you to the list of vendors on the FEMA website who have developed compatible software for NFIRS. We do not endorse one software vendor over another. Many of the vendors have “extras” such as personnel training, apparatus maintenance, etc. included with their software. You may select whatever software meets your department’s needs. If you have an Internet connection and are only interested in basic reporting, you may download the free Federal Data Entry Tool instead