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Nebraska State Fire Marshal

Doug Hohbein, Interim State Fire Marshal

General Information

Flammable Liquids Storage Tanks

What We Do

The Flammable Liquids Storage Tanks (FLST) section of the Fuels Division has several responsibilities regarding aboveground and underground fuel tanks. These responsibilities include:

  • The registration and inspection of underground petroleum and hazardous substance storage tanks in accordance with Title 159.
  • Issuance of permits to install and remove underground storage tanks in accordance with Title 159.
  • Issuance of permits to install aboveground petroleum storage tanks in accordance with Title 153, Chapter 17.
  • Licensing of contractors and certification of individuals to do underground storage tank work in accordance with Title 159, Chapter 3.


Inspection Program

The state is divided into six inspection areas – West, Southwest, Central, Northeast, South Central, and East. In addition to these areas, six delegated authority cities/areas also inspect tanks and issue permits in their jurisdiction - Bellevue, Lincoln, University of Nebraska (Kearney, Lincoln, and Omaha), Norfolk, North Platte and Omaha.

The Tank Program inspects all UST facilities for compliance with rules and regulations; inspects all new underground tank and piping installations, and existing tank removals; investigates reported or suspected releases and requires appropriate action be taken; and submits reports to the Department of  Environmental Quality.