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Nebraska State Fire Marshal

Doug Hohbein, Interim State Fire Marshal

Federal Data Entry Tool (DET) - Data Entry

Data Entry and Reporting

What do the yellow and red fields represent?

These are fields defined as National required fields. These fields must be completed in order for the incident to pass validation. NOTE: There are a few fields that are required but do not show in yellow, e.g., on the Structure Fire Module, Main Floor Size.


What do I use for the incident number?

The incident number can be any unique number you assign to the incident. It must be seven digits and all numeric. No letters, dashes (-), slashes (/ or \), etc – only numbers. The software will allow you to enter these other characters but will make it difficult to retrieve the report. It is recommended that you use the CAD assigned number or the year plus a consecutive number (2004001, 2004002, etc).


What is the difference between critical errors and validation warnings?

As you go through the screens if you forget to complete a required field or enter an invalid code, the field will change to red, a critical error. The field needs to be completed or the code corrected. These errors must be corrected. Validation warnings indicate missing information that would be beneficial but is not required or a questionable value is entered. Some warnings that may occur are: property/content loss and/or value are not completed on fire incidents, the report is for mutual aid given and the FDID and/or incident number of the department that received aid is not entered, or if the code entered in related fields does not make sense. An example would be the Incident Type is 611 Canceled En route but the Action Taken code is 11 Extinguishment. If you did not arrive at the scene, you cannot extinguish the fire. In instances like this, one of the codes needs to be changed.


Can I print a copy of an incident?

Yes, a report can be generated and printed, one incident at a time. Open the incident you want to print. Click on Incident on the menu bar, and then click on Generate Report. You will have the opportunity to change the default location where the report will be saved. If you fail to change this, you will find the report at c:/program files/NFIRSv54/Reports. The report will be in PDF format. Refer to Section 4.2.5 of the Data Entry Tool Users’ Guide for the complete instructions.


How do I add modules?

Click on Add Modules on the menu bar and select the module you want to add. Required modules should be in red based on the Incident Type code you entered. NOTE: If the report is for a structure fire, only the Structure Fire Module will appear in red but you will also need to complete the Fire Module. If you add a module in error, you can remove it by clicking on the module you want to remove so it is highlighted and then clicking on the Remove button on the top right side of the screen.


What is the correct way to enter addresses? Only the Street/Highway field is yellow. Does that mean the full address needs to be entered in that field?

No, the address needs to be broken down among the fields. Exactly how depends on what type of address or directions is being entered. The informational sheet, addresses, explains how to enter addresses.


I completed a report and when I tried to save it received an exception error. What is wrong?

The most common cause for this has been changing the Exposure Number in the first window, Section A – Key Information, from 000 to 001 or another number. Unless you are entering an exposure fire report, this number should be left at 000. The easiest way to enter an exposure fire report is after entering the report for the original fire or after re-opening the original fire report and then clicking on New Exposure on the right hand side. This will bring up a new report and default certain codes that can only be used for exposure fires.


How can I tell if the incidents were saved successfully?

When you save your report a message will appear at the bottom stating it was saved successfully. Users may also verify their incident data was saved successfully by logging in On-Line to the National database. Click on Incident from the Menu bar and then Open Incident. The Incident Search window will be displayed. Click on Search to search all incidents or narrow the search criteria by entering specific search requirements.