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Nebraska State Fire Marshal

Doug Hohbein, Interim State Fire Marshal

General Information

One of the main responsibilities of the State Fire Marshal’s office is to conduct fire safety inspections on most properties open to the public. Codes used in these inspections are outlined in Title 153, Chapter 1. The fee structure used for these inspections is explained in Title 153, Chapter 20. The annual registration fees for Grain Elevators and Feed Mills and Underground Storage Tanks are explained in Titles 161 and 159 respectively.


With a few exceptions, the deputy will leave a fee card after doing an inspection. The owner/operator sends card to the Lincoln office with a check or money order for the indicated amount. If any deficiencies are found during the inspection process, written orders will be mailed to the facility. A follow-up inspection may be scheduled to insure the deficiencies are corrected. If it is necessary to do a third inspection, an additional fee is charged. Once payment is received and any deficiencies are corrected a Certificate of Occupancy is issued in accordance with Title 153, Chapter 22, Section 002.