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Nebraska State Fire Marshal

Scott Cordes, State Fire Marshal

Underground Storage Tanks


Certain underground storage tanks that store petroleum or hazardous substances must be registered and inspected by this office. A registration form for federally regulated tanks may be obtained by contacting the Fuels Division. Heating oil tanks over 1,100 gallons, which are exempt under the Federal Notification requirements; require a different registration form to be completed (download the Underground Storage Tank Registration Form For Heating Oil Tanks Over 1,100 Gallons form). In addition, farm, residential and small heating oil (under 1,100 gallons) require a one time registration form (download the One Time Registration Underground Storage Tanks form).

A $30 annual registration fee is collected on each operating or temporarily closed tank. Invoices are mailed in November/December and payment is due by January 1. In addition to the annual registration fee, a fee of $90 per tank is collected for the Petroleum Release Remedial Action Fund. This fund is administered by the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality and is used to clean up leaking tanks.

A one-time registration of farm or residential motor fuel tanks (1,100 gallons or less) is required (download the One Time Registration Underground Storage Tanks form). Also included in this one-time registration are small heating oil tanks (1,100 gallons or less) and tanks permanently abandoned as of January 1, 1974. A fee of $5 per tank must accompany the registration.


Underground Storage Tank Facility Lists

UST Regulated Facilities (Updated: 10/7/24)

UST Regulated Tanks (Updated: 10/7/24)

Disclaimer: Information contained in these Excel spreadsheets is based on notification forms submitted by property owners to the State Fire Marshal. The information may not be reflective of the actual site and tank data due to various reasons, including database conversion issues.


Tank Closure & Installation

An application for Permit to Permanently Close Underground Storage Tanks and/or Piping must be submitted to and approved by this office prior to the closure. Download the Application for Permit to Permanently Close Underground Storage Tanks and/or Piping form.

An application for Permit to Install Underground Storage Tanks and/or Piping must be submitted to and approved by this office prior to the installation. Download the Application for Permit to Install Underground Storage Tanks form.

Contractors must be licensed by the State Fire Marshal’s Office to close and install underground storage tanks. To obtain a license a company must submit a notarized application and maintain a minimum of $500,000 of general liability insurance which includes coverage relating to the closure and/or installation of underground storage tanks. Download the Application for License Underground Storage Tank Contractor form. Licensed contractors must also employ at least one certified individual to supervise the closure and/or installation.

Closure Contractor List (Updated: 9/9/24)

Installation Contractor List (Updated: 9/9/24)

Call Before You Dig:

Before starting any project that requires you to dig into the ground, such as building a deck or planting a tree, state law requires you to contact Nebraska811 two business days in advance of that dig to have the underground utility lines located and marked.  This is a FREE service and applies to everyone that will be disturbing the soil, including homeowners.  To contact Nebraska811, please dial 811 or go online to  Safe Digging!


Nebraska 811 logo

UST Worker Certifications:

Cathodic Protection Tester

Anyone performing cathodic protection testing on underground storage tank systems must be certified in a manner acceptable to the State Fire Marshal. Qualification for certification shall be proven by successful completion of an examination that measures the applicant’s technical knowledge.

In addition, the applicant must submit an Application for Cathodic Protection Tester Certification and then pass a written examination administered by the State Fire Marshal’s Office that covers the applicant’s knowledge of state underground storage tank requirements. Certification must be renewed every three years. A list of currently certified testers is available.

Certified Cathodic Protection Testers (Updated: 9/9/24)


Temporarily Out Of Service Tanks:



When an UST system is taken temporarily out of service for more than 12 months, owners and operators must permanently close the UST system if it does not meet either performance standards in Chapter 4 for new UST systems or the upgrading requirements in Chapter 5, except that the spill and overfill equipment requirements do not have to be met.  When an upgraded UST system is taken temporarily out of service for more than 36 months, owners and operators must permanently close the UST system.