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Nebraska State Fire Marshal

Doug Hohbein, Interim State Fire Marshal

Wildland Incident Response and Assistance Team (WIRAT)

The Nebraska State Fire Marshal has organized a Wildland Incident Response and Assistance Team, consisting of State Fire Marshal employees from across the State. The Team also has employees of the Nebraska Forest Service, who are extremely involved in all aspects of wildland firefighting. The WIRAT provides assistance on wildland fire incidents when the local organizations have exhausted all resources and strategies. The team is highly trained in Incident Command, including the capability to work large incidents, coordinate water supplies and aerial support, and provide field supervision with tactical considerations and support.

The WIRAT is not a Type III Incident Management Team as defined by the Department of Homeland Security, but does have the knowledge and skills to make an impact on complex incidents. The team does not assume command on the incident but will work in unison with any Command or General Staff, providing strategies and tactics to countermeasure the estimated progress and progression of the fire. Other staff can assist or provide support in the field, complementing the tactics already in progress.

To request WIRAT assistance for an active incident, the Incident Commander or the Regional Emergency Manager must call the NEMA watch officer to make the request.  The NEMA Watch Officer can be contacted by clicking here, or dialing (402) 499-1219.

The WIRAT Map provides contact information for each WIRAT member. Initial contact should be made with one of the three Team members listed in Locations spots 1, 2, or 3 . They will assess the situation, contact additional personnel, coordinate communications for the area, and notify the requesting organization as soon as personnel are in route to the location.