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Nebraska State Fire Marshal

Doug Hohbein, Interim State Fire Marshal

Operator Training

Underground Storage Tank Operator Training

Title 159, the rules and regulations for underground storage tanks in the State of Nebraska was revised and approved in April 2015. Chapter 13 details a new requirement – operator training. From Title 159, Chapter 13, 001.01-02:

001.01.   An owner or operator shall designate Class A, Class B, and Class C operators for each underground storage tank system or facility that has underground storage tanks regulated by the State Fire Marshal, except for unstaffed facilities for which only Class A and B operators shall be designated. A person may be designated for more than one class of operator.

001.02.   Designated operators must successfully complete required training no later than December 31, 2015. Please reference Title 159, Chapter 13 for more information:

The following vendors have been approved to provide UST Operator Training in Nebraska:

Online Training:

Classroom/Webcam Training:

Antea Group USA, Inc.
111 West Port Plaza; 6th Floor
St. Louis, MO 63146
Contact: Angela Dunn /

Petro Classroom
9237 Ward Parkway Suite 220
Kansas City, MO 64114
Contact: Lori Desch-Ranallo 800-530-5683 or Patrick Vuchetich 844-303-6752

Petroleum Testers LLC
430 Gardenia
Cheyenne, WY 82009-2734
Contact: Robert Lucht, P.E.
(307) 369-4071
(307)220-1350 (cell)