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Nebraska State Fire Marshal

Doug Hohbein, Interim State Fire Marshal

School Fire Drills

According to State Statute 81-527 “It shall be the duty of the State Fire Marshal and his or her deputies and assistants to require teachers of public and private schools and educational institutions to conduct regular fire drills in accordance with such rules and regulations as he or she may adopt and promulgate and to keep all doors and exits unlocked during school hours.”


The State Fire Marshal has developed guidelines to follow in conducting fire exit drills. These guidelines consist of the proper and required fire exit drill procedures as outlined in Nebraska statutes and regulations. All school administrators, teachers and anyone involved in conducting fire exit drills at their school should study and follow these guidelines.


A form to use to document every required fire exit drill conducted throughout the school year has also been developed. One form per building on campus that shares a fire alarm system must be completed. A minimum of two years of completed fire exit drill records shall be kept on site and available for review by the State Fire Marshal Deputy. State Fire Marshal Deputies will visit the schools to check on drills being held in accordance with State Law.


Nebraska has an excellent fire safety record in our schools. We wish to thank all Nebraska school officials and teachers for their fine cooperation in helping to achieve and maintain Nebraska schools as fire safe. The fire exit drills are one of the reasons for the excellent fire safety record. We all must work together to maintain this good safety record.