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Nebraska State Fire Marshal

Doug Hohbein, Interim State Fire Marshal

Programs and Services - Fees

General Information


The State Fire Marshal Agency accepts online payments. There is a $1.75 convenience fee for e-checks and a 2.49% fee for credit cards. To make an online payment for a non-firework related transaction, click here



One of the main responsibilities of the State Fire Marshal’s office is to conduct fire safety inspections on most properties open to the public. Codes used in these inspections are outlined in Title 153, Chapter 1. The fee structure used for these inspections is explained in Title 153, Chapter 20. The annual registration fees for Grain Elevators and Feed Mills and Underground Storage Tanks are explained in Titles 161 and 159 respectively.

With a few exceptions, the deputy will leave a fee card after doing an inspection. The owner/operator sends card to the Lincoln office with a check or money order for the indicated amount. If any deficiencies are found during the inspection process, written orders will be mailed to the facility. A follow-up inspection may be scheduled to insure the deficiencies are corrected. If it is necessary to do a third inspection, an additional fee is charged. Once payment is received and any deficiencies are corrected a Certificate of Occupancy is issued in accordance with Title 153, Chapter 22, Section 002.


Child Care Facilities

We inspect all child care facilities as part of the Department of Health and Human Services licensure process. Fees for child care facilities are based on the number of children specified on their license or license application. The reinspection fee is the same regardless of the number of children.

Initial, 0-8 children $40
Initial, 9-12 children $50
Initial, 13 or more children $60
Reinspection $40



Fees charged for firework licenses and display permits are covered in State Statutes 28-1239.01 (displays) and 28-1245 (firework licenses) and Title 157,  Chapter 3 (displays) and  Chapter 4 (firework licenses). Additional information on fireworks may be found elsewhere on the website.

Distributor Firework License $500
Jobber Firework License $200
Retail Stand License $25 per stand
Public Display Permit $10 per date


Flammable Liquid Storage Tanks

Aboveground petroleum storage tanks and underground flammable liquid and hazardous storage tanks must be registered with the State Fire Marshal’s Office. An invoice is sent out annually and must be paid by January 1. There are additional fees for tank installation. Additional information on the storage tanks may be found on our website.

Aboveground Petroleum Storage Tanks ( Title 153, Chapter 17)
Inspection fee (per installation regardless of the number of tanks) $50
Underground Storage Tanks ( Title 159, Chapter 2)
Farm, residential and heating oil tanks with a capacity of 1100 gallons or less $5 one-time registration fee
All other tanks $30 per tank, annually
Petroleum Release Remedial Action Fund 90 per tank, annually
Tank installation $50 per tank
Piping only installation $50 regardless of the number of tank connections


Foster Care Homes

Fire safety inspections of foster care homes are conducted when requested by the Department of Health and Human Services.

Initial Inspection $20
Reinspection $20


Grain Elevators and Feed Mills

We have three deputies, one in each district, whose responsibility is to inspect all grain elevators, feed mills; propane tanks and bottle fill sites, and anhydrous ammonia tanks (NH3).

Title 161 regulates inspections and outlines the annual registration fee assessed on grain elevators and feed mills. The fees are based on capacity for grain elevators and type of milling done at feed mills and are due in this office by January 1. A permit is issued to those facilities that pay their fees. The permit expires December 31 of each year.

Grain Elevators
Less than 500,000 bushel capacity $15
500,000 to 1,500,000 bushel capacity $25
1,500,000 to 2,500,000 bushel capacity $35
Greater than 2,500,000 bushel capacity $50
Feed Mills
With pellet machine $25
With grinding and mixing only $15


Health Care Facilities

Included in this category are licensed hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, intermediate care facilities, health clinics, assisted living units and other health care facilities licensed under the Health Care Facility Licensure Act. In addition, we also inspect those facilities that are not scheduled for federal surveys. Inspections are conducted in accordance with NFPA codes.

50 beds or less $50
51 to 100 beds $100
101 or more beds $150
Re-inspection $50 up to one hour; $25 each additional ½ hour not to exceed $150


Liquor Establishments

Upon request of the Nebraska Liquor Control Commission, we conduct fire safety inspections of liquor establishments renewing their license or applying for a license. The reinspection fee is the same for both types of establishments.

Non-consumption Establishment, Initial $50
Consumption Establishment, Initial $75
Reinspection $50


Mobile Home Parks

At the request of the Department of Health and Human Services Regulation and Licensure, we will conduct fire safety inspections of any mobile home park seeking a license or license renewal.

Initial inspection $75


Plan Review

State Statute 81-505.01 establishes a fee schedule to cover the code review of plans, blueprints, and shop drawings. These fees may only be charged by the State Fire Marshal’s Office. Fees were updated as of January 1, 2022. Please refer to Title 153, Chapter 21

In addition to the code review fee an additional fee equal to 50 percent of the code review fee to determine compliance with the accessibility guidelines. This fee is not to exceed $500. Other political subdivisions may assess their own fees as determined by their governing boards. This additional fee, called a NAG or ADA fee, is assessed on plans that do not fall under a Local Authority jurisdiction or if the plan submitted is that of Shop Drawings.

An invoice will be sent to you within 1 full business day after a plan is submitted. The invoice is sent to the email listed for the Submitting Party from If you have not received the invoice, check your spam folder or contact us at 402-471-9465. The information below can be used to estimate your fees to know what to expect, but an invoice should be received before payment is made. Additional information on plan reviews is available elsewhere on this website.

$2.50 is assessed per each $10,000 of Total Value (Rounding up to the nearest $10,000). This fee is not to exceed $500.00. ALL FEES end $0.50 intervals unless NAG fees are assessed (then, all fees end in $0.25 intervals).

Total Value of Proposed Structure or Improvement Fee
$1 - $10,000 $2.50
$10,001 - $20,000 $5.00
$20,001 - $30,000 $7.50
$30,001 - $40,000 $10.00
$40,001 - $50,000 $12.50
For larger amounts, see your Invoice. Add an addition $2.50 per each $10,000 of Total Value, except that the total fee shall not exceed $500