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Nebraska State Fire Marshal

Doug Hohbein, Interim State Fire Marshal

Water-Based Fire Protection

General Information

The Nebraska State Fire Marshal issues Certification for contractors who work on water-based fire protection systems. Any water-based fire protection system contractor who wishes to install, repair, alter, add to, maintain, or inspect a water-based fire protection system in the State of Nebraska will need to obtain a Water-Based Fire Protection Contractor's Certification. The RME (Responsible Managing Employee) must currently hold a Level III or Level IV NICET certification in fire protection engineering technology, automatic sprinkler layout, or another nationally recognized certification in an automatic sprinkler system layout recognized by the State Fire Marshal. The RME(s) must also be an owner, partner, or officer in a management position of the applying contractor. Certification expires each year on September 30th and can be renewed without additional testing if the renewal application is received at least thirty (30) days prior to the certification. If your certification has lapsed, a new application and testing is required. If your NICET certification or liability insurance expires and is not renewed and updated with our office during your certification period, your Water-Based Fire Contractor's License also expires. Per your Employee Affidavit, the RME is responsible for notifying our office of any NICET certification expiration within 30 days.

Regulations: Title 153, Chapter 19

Water-Based Fire Protection Contractors

Certified Water-Based Fire Protection Contractors (Updated: 1/28/2025)

A current list of certified Water-Based Fire Protection Contractors. This list is updated as needed. (Previously listed as "Licensed Fire Sprinkler Companies in Nebraska.")
For Contractors: To update a NICET or insurance expiration date, please email the renewed or updated documentation to Monica Ellis.
Water-Based Fire Protection Contractors Application (New Applicants and Renewing Applicants)
Use this link to download the newest version of the application. If you are New Applicant (or your certification has lapsed), check "I am a new applicant." If you are a Renewing Applicant (and have a currently valid certification), check "I am renewing my license."
Mail applicable original documents to the Main Office:  Nebraska State Fire Marshal, ATTN: Water-Based Fire Protection, 246 S 14th St Ste 1, Lincoln, NE 68508

Documents required for New Applicants (or if your certification has lapsed):

Unless otherwise indicated, the applicable documents can be emailed to Monica Ellis.
  • Completed Application  -  Check "I am a new applicant."
  • $100.00 Application Fee paid  -  The application fee can be paid via check or on our online payment portal (select "Water-Based Fire Protection Contractor's Certificate" under Transaction Items). If paying online, please include a copy of the payment receipt. We cannot accept cash payments
  • Copy of NICET engineering certificate  -  This needs to be the certificate provided to you by NICET (sent with the NICET card and letter), not a copy of your NICET card. (See "General Information" for specifics.)
  • Copy of Liability Insurance coverage  -  Demonstrates at least one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) of coverage for the installation, inspection, and testing of water-based fire protection systems
  • Notarized Employee Affidavit  -  Must be the original document and mailed to the Main Office
  • Notarized Employer Affidavit  -  Must be the original document and mailed to the Main Office
  • US Citizenship Attestation Form  -  Must be the original document and mailed to the Main Office
Documents required for Renewing Applicants (or if your certification has lapsed):
The following documents can be emailed to Monica Ellis.
  • Completed Application  -  Check "I am renewing my license."
  • $100.00 Application Fee paid  -  The application fee can be paid via check or on our online payment portal (select "Water-Based Fire Protection Contractor's Certificate" under Transaction Items). If paying online, please include a copy of the payment receipt. We cannot accept cash payments
  • Copy of NICET engineering certificate  -  This needs to be the certificate provided to you by NICET (sent with the NICET card and letter), not a copy of your NICET card. (See "General Information" for specifics.)
  • Copy of Liability Insurance coverage  -  Demonstrates at least one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) of coverage for the installation, inspection, and testing of water-based fire protection systems
Certification Testing
One all required documents are received at the Main Office and processed, the exam proctor will reach out the prospective RME using the email provided on the application to arrange a testing date. The test is conducted virtually via a Webex link. While in-person testing is available, virtual testing is strongly encouraged. This test is an open book test but no electronics other than the web camera are allowed (this includes digital copies of reference materials). No testing date will be offered or scheduled until all pieces of the application have been received an verified.
To prepare, the following materials are covered on the test:  NFPA 13, 2010, NFPA 13R, 2010, NFPA 20, 2010, NFPA 25, 2011, NFPA 101, 2012, Title 153, Chapter 19