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Nebraska State Fire Marshal

Doug Hohbein, Interim State Fire Marshal

Federal Data Entry Tool (DET) - Passwords


How often do I have to change my password?

The user will be prompted to change their password every ninety days. Passwords can be changed prior to the 90 days. Select Change Password under the Advanced tab in the Data Entry Tool.


What do I use as a password?

New password rules were implemented in 2013. Passwords should be at least 8 characters in length and contain letters, numbers, and a special character. The special characters accepted by the system are ~ ! $ % ^ * ( ) - _ = + [ ] ; : . / < >. Passwords are case sensitive. Passwords may not begin with a number.

The following special characters can be used anywhere in your password: ~ ! $ % * ( - _ = [ ] : ; . \ < >

The following special characters can only be used at the beginning of a password or within the password but not as the last character in your password: +

The following characters cannot be used at all in your new password: & # @ { } | ?

Some examples of valid passwords: password1% -newpass1 pass-word1 newpass1_


What do I do if I forget my password?

Contact Deb Hostetler, (402) 471-9479 to change your password. We cannot tell you what your password is as this is a protected field.