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Nebraska State Fire Marshal

Doug Hohbein, Interim State Fire Marshal

Wildland Fire Fighting (S-130/S-190) (Basic Red Card)

Course Description:

This course is a compilation of the 3 courses that NWCG (National Wildfire Coordinating Group) requires to be qualified as a FFT2 Basic Wildland Firefighter.  Those three classes are: 

S-190-Introduction to Wildland Fire Behavior discusses the fire triangle; environmental factors of fuels, weather, and topography that affect the start and spread of wildland fire; and the contributing factors that indicate the potential for increased fire behavior that may compromise safety.

S-130-Firefighter Training- Topics include terminology, firefighter preparedness, ICS overview, resource types, risk management, transportation safety, hand tools, firing devices, use of water, suppression, patrolling, communications, mopup & securing the fireline, awareness hazardous materials, wildland/urban interface safety, cultural resources, and pump operations.

There is an adapted version of L-180-Human Factors on the Fireline, which is the third required class, included in the risk management section of the S-130 class.

Course Delivery Methods:

This course is designed to be a 32-36 hour course.  The classroom portions can be delivered during full day classes or evening classes however the field day requires 4-8 hours in a daytime setting.

Requirements for Issuance of Red Card (Certification):

Meet the minimum requirements as outlined in the Wildland Fire Qualification System Guide, PMS 310-1, and the Position Task Book (PTB) developed for the position.  The PMS 310-1 provides guidance and a national wildfire standard for establishing minimum training, skills, knowledge, experience, and physical fitness requirements for the participating agencies of the NWCG.

Candidates must be at least 18 years of age and affiliated with an emergency response agency in the state of Nebraska

Candidates must participate and complete the skills day where individual performance is evaluated.

Candidates must complete both S-190 & S-130 Written Examinations with a passing score of 70% or higher

Candidates must complete the Work Capacity Test and submit in order to receive an Incident Qualification Card.

Candidate is required to attend a safety refresher training every year to maintain currency of their IQS card (Red Card).

Testing for the S-190/S-130/L-180 classes is based on the following Material (Reference List):

NWCG publications:

S-190- Introduction to Wildland Fire Behavior

S-130- Firefighter Training

L-180- Human Factors on the Fireline


Wildland Forms