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Nebraska State Fire Marshal

Doug Hohbein, Interim State Fire Marshal

Wildland Fire Fighter Courses

Wildland Aircraft Tactics/Pilot Rescue (12 hrs)

This Course deals with the proper procedures in utilizing aircraft to assist fighting wildland fires. Loading aircraft, setting up non-airport staging areas, and notification procedures are also stressed. There is also a segment concerning agriculture-aircraft accidents, materials carried, hazmat, decon, and the safe and proper extrication of the pilot.

  • Lesson 1-Wildland Fire History, Proper notification procedures, set-up of staging areas - 3 hours
  • Lesson 2-Types of aircraft, aircraft safety, loading procedures - 3 hours
  • Lesson 3-Foam and loading procedures, haz mat carried on aircraft - 3 hours
  • Lesson 4-Hands-on loading procedures, pilot rescue from training fuselage - 3 hours

Wildland Fires and Fine Fuels (6 hours)

This class is designed to address the volatility of fires in fine fuels (grasses) that are found in Nebraska. During this 6 hours class students will be introduced to the various types of native prairie grasses. Wildland fire behavior, recommended personal protective equipment, tactics and equipment, and fire fighter safety and other topics discussed.

  • Lesson 1- In this lesson we will discuss the burning characteristics of numerous types of native Nebraska prairie grasses. We will also take a look at fire theory in the wildland setting, fuel characteristics, how topography affects a fire, affects of weather on a fire, personal protective equipment, and firefighter safety. This lesson is a lecture presentation lasting approximately 3 hours. 3 hours
  • Lesson 2- The topics covered in this lesson include wildland firefighting tools, tactics, water additives, aircraft use, ICS, and navigating with maps and GPS. Presentation is through lecture and use of props and exercises. 3 hours

Key point: The intent of this class is not only to discuss putting the fire out, but more importantly to control the fire instead of letting the fire control you. Fast moving wildland fires can be quite difficult to extinguish and may take quite some time so we must learn to control the fire until we can accomplish extinguishment.