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Nebraska State Fire Marshal

Doug Hohbein, Interim State Fire Marshal

Public Fireworks Displays

Why do I need a permit to shoot fireworks?

State Statute 28-1239.01 requires anyone conducting a public exhibition or display of fireworks to procure a display permit from the State Fire Marshal. This statute also prohibits a licensed distributor to sell or deliver display fireworks to any person who does not possess an approved display permit.


Is an inspection of the site required?

State Fire Marshal personnel will periodically conduct unannounced inspections of display sites to insure regulations are being followed and the information provided on the permit application is accurate.


How much does it cost to get a permit?

A Public Firework Display Permit is $10 per date (does not include rain date). Only one date per application is permitted. The fee is non-refundable and is payable by credit or debit card or electronic check. The fee will be charged against your card at the time the license is approved.


Do I need a permit if I am shooting Class C fireworks that I purchased at a retail stand?

No. A permit is only required if Class B fireworks are being shot.


The online application won’t accept my credit card.

Only Visa, Master Card, or American Express may be used. Some credit card vendors set up cards so they cannot be used with online applications. If you are unable to get your application through with one credit card, please try a different credit card and see if that will go through. If you are still having difficulties, please write down any errors you are receiving or make a screen shot of the error and email to this office.