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Nebraska State Fire Marshal

Doug Hohbein, Interim State Fire Marshal

Hazardous Materials Technician Level (HMTL) Certification

NFPA Standard: NFPA 1072, 2017, Chapter 7

Accredited: IFSAC: Yes, NPQS: Yes

Prerequisites: Hazardous Materials Awareness, Hazardous Materials Operations

Description: The hazardous materials technician is the person who responds to hazardous materials/WMD incidents using a risk-based response process by which he/she analyzes a problem involving hazardous materials/WMD, selects applicable decontamination procedures, and controls a release using specialized protective clothing and control equipment, upon completion of the incident terminates the incident following industry accepted practices, documents the incident while maintaining scene control and safety. 

Requirements for Certification: Candidates shall be at least 18 years of age. Complete a practical skills examination (PSE) with a "Passing" score. Complete an 100-question written examination with a passing score of 70% or higher 

Reference List:

  • NFPA 1072, Standard for Competence of Responders to Hazardous Materials/Weapons of Mass Destruction Incidents, Chapter 7, 2017.
  • Jones and Bartlett, Hazardous Materials – Managing the Incident, 4th Edition


Hazardous Materials Training