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Nebraska State Fire Marshal

Doug Hohbein, Interim State Fire Marshal

Live Fire Training

Live Fire Training

Burn and Demolition Forms

Live Fire Training: Structural (6 hours)

This training will teach the student the operation of structure fires using hose lines, ventilation, pumping, incident command, SCBA and teamwork.  The purpose of this class is to make the student confident in his/her task.  Students will receive actual hands-on work with heat and smoke of a live fire. 

  • Lesson 1-Equipment set up, IMS, Fire Attack, Pump Operations, SCBA, Ventilation - 6 hours, ALL HANDS-ON

Live Fire Training: Foam (6 hours)

This course addresses the proper usage of different types of foam along with Class A and Class B fires. Participants will understand different appliances, applications methods, environmental issues, fire attack and protection possibilities, and hazardous materials usage. They will also work with different equipment and apply foam blankets to fire situations utilizing actual fire scenarios.

  • Lesson 1-In this lesson we will discuss various types of natural and synthetic foams including hydrocarbon foams, polar solvent foams, class "A"; type foams, gel products, and surfactants. Different methods of foam production, rate of application, required amount of concentrate, and various types of application equipment will also be discussed. This lesson is an interactive lecture using available props and lasting approximately 3 hours.
  • Lesson 2-This lesson is entirely skills oriented where the participants will be using the equipment and techniques covered in the first lesson to safely and efficiently extinguish a simulated flammable liquid spill by correctly applying foam to it. Propane fired burn pans provided by the State Fire Marshal Training Division will be used to simulate the flammable liquid fire. The length of this lesson is largely dependant on the number of participants but will usually last approximately 3 hours.
  • Department supplied materials: The hosting department must provide an acceptable training location, two 500 GPM or larger pumping apparatus, foam for training, and a propane supply. The propane supply must be a 500 gallon or larger tank or a bobtail delivery truck. If a bobtail truck is used, the truck must have a qualified operator and the truck and operator shall remain on-site until all burning is completed.

Live Fire Training: Propane Emergencies (6 hours)

This course is designed to increase fire fighter awareness of hazards and operations when dealing with propane. Classroom session is 3 hours of discussion on scene size-up, tactical considerations, fixtures and safety devices, incident management, physical and chemical properties of propane, BLEVE, evacuation distances, and flow requirements for cooling tanks. The hands-on Session is 3 hours dealing with simulator tank, establishing water flows, managing resources, and safely controlling propane incidents.

  • Lesson 1: The first lesson is all classroom and will cover the following topics: possible locations in dealing with propane, physical and chemical properties of propane, BLEVE and evacuation distances, flow requirements for cooling tanks, a brief overview of Incident Management Systems for dealing with propane emergencies, fixture and safety devices found on various propane containers, scene size-up and safety issues, and tactical considerations. Logistics needs for the first 3 hour lesson are basically just a classroom, the instructor will supply all of the equipment needed. 3 hours
  • Lesson 2: The second lesson will involve all hands-on training using the SFMTD 500 gallon propane tank simulator. The students will work on establishing and maintaining an adequate water supply, managing the available resources, operating proper cooling and backup lines, establishing an entry team which will advance to the tank and shut off a control valve. Logistic needs for the second 3 hour lesson will include: One pumper capable of supplying 5 – 1 ½ ” or 1 ¾” quarter hand-lines, approximately 500 feet of 1 ½ or 1 ¾ hose, 4 nozzles with at least two of them being capable of flowing 125 gpm and having a very good fog pattern, total water flow requirements of about 500 gpm,  training site with a minimum of 200 feet of clearance in all directions and preferably not on concrete or asphalt, and a local propane dealer with bobtail delivery truck w/pump. All students participating on the entry team must wear full bunker gear and SCBA. 3 hours