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Nebraska State Fire Marshal

Doug Hohbein, Interim State Fire Marshal



When must I submit a project for plan review?

All state-owned properties and all projects that involve commercial construction are required to be submitted to The Nebraska State Fire Marshal’s Office for plan review.


What projects are exempt from plan reviews?

-  1 & 2 Family Dwellings

-  Apartment Building with less than 3 living units

-  Agricultural Buildings for Private Use

-  Projects located within delegated authorities

* The jurisdiction of The State Fire Marshal’s Office encompasses the entire state except for those areas in which The State Fire Marshal has delegated authority. In these areas, plans should be submitted to the Delegated Authority in lieu of the State Fire Marshal’s Office, unless they are state-owned properties or federally certified health care facilities*


Where do I send plans for review?

To submit an online application, click HERE.

Paper plans are still accepted. As all of our Plans Examiners currently work from home, paper submissions typically take longer to process and review than Electronic copies. To request a paper application, please call (402) 471-9465.


What all do I need to include when submitting for a plan review?

-   A Plan Submittal Application

-  1 Complete Set of Floor Plans and Specifications if applicable

Plan Review Fee (Once the electronic application has been received and processed, an electronic invoice will be emailed to the Submitting Party)


I’m submitting multiple buildings at the same site to the State Fire Marshal’s Office; do I need to submit them all separately?

Yes.  Every building will be looked at individually.  If multiple buildings are located on the same site, 1 set of plans will be accepted, however separate Plan Submittal Applications and fees will be required.


Do subcontractors need to submit separate plan reviews?

Shop drawings for the fire alarm, fire sprinkler, underground fire mains, range hood systems, and fire suppression systems shall be submitted under a separate cover (including a separate application, fee, and plan) for review.

Subcontractors must submit the Plan Submittal Application along with the Fire Suppression System – Plan Review Application for plans that are for a water-based fire protection system.

Fire Alarm plans submitted for review shall include all items listed in the Fire Alarm Shop Drawing Requirements.

Water-Based Fire Protection Systems submitted for review shall include the hydraulic calculations and shall be identified with the Water-Based Fire Protection System Contractor name and certificate number.


Will I receive my plans back from the State Fire Marshal’s Office?

The State Fire Marshal’s Office retains one set of plans for their records.  If you would like to have plans stamped and returned to you (up to 4 additional sets may be submitted) you must provide sufficient return postage affixed to self-addressed return packaging.

(Electronically) All shop drawings will be stamped and returned to the submitting party with the completed code review.  All other plans will be stamped and returned upon request.

(Hardcopy) If return postage and packaging is provided, additional plans provided will be stamped and returned to the submitting party.  If return postage and packing is not provided, additional stamped plans will be held for 10 days.  If plans are not pickup, plans will be properly disposed.


What is the plan review fee based on and how do I pay it?

A fee is charged to review plans based on the cost of the project for which plans are being submitted.  The fee calculator will assist you to calculate the fee for the plans being submitted.  A review is conducted for both Fire Code and Accessibility unless there is a local jurisdiction that performs accessibility reviews. See Building Officials Conducting Title 156 Reviews to determine if a local authority performs the accessibility review in lieu of the State Fire Marshal’s Office.


You can pay by the following methods:

  • Check;  all checks are made payable to The Nebraska State Fire Marshal’s Office
  • Online; Click Here to be redirected to a secure Pay Portal site to make a payment


Will I be charged a late fee if I wasn’t aware that I had to submit a plan review to the State Fire Marshal’s Office?

Yes.  If construction on the project for which plans are being submitted has already begun, add a $50 late charge to the Total Fee as indicated on the application.


What do I do after I submit for a plan review?

Once the Plans Division completes a plan review, a Code Review response will be sent to the submitting party either by the email that was provided on the Plan Submittal Application or hardcopy through the mail. The Code Review will state if the plans are “approved as submitted” or will note any Code deficiencies that need to be addressed in the project.  On the bottom right hand corner of the Code Review, there is a “Contact for Inspection” phone number.  This number will put you in contact with your local Deputy State Fire Marshal.  A final inspection from the deputy will be required to grant final approval.


Are plans required to have a stamp from an architect and/or engineer?

The Board of Engineers and Architects determine when building projects must include the involvement of an architect and/or engineer.  Please contact the Board of Engineers and Architects for specific requirements at (402) 471-2021.