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Nebraska State Fire Marshal

Doug Hohbein, Interim State Fire Marshal

Request for Reciprocity

Reciprocity Policy

Individuals who wish to obtain recognition for certification earned and received from another certification entity must follow the following process. The Training/Certification Division of Nebraska will only recognize certifications the bare and IFSAC or ProBoard seal or registry.

The steps for reciprocity are:

  1. Be a current member of a recognized emergency response agency in Nebraska.
  2. Apply for only certification levels that are currently offered by the SFM-Training Division.
  3. Firefighters requesting reciprocity shall complete a Request for Certificate of Reciprocity form.
  4. Include with application a readable copy of the certification from the other agency and the appropriate fee.
  5. Upon receipt of the Reciprocity request the Training Division Chief will verify the application with IFSAC and/or ProBoard.
  6. Upon verification of the certificate and the respective edition of the standard and level applying for, the Training Division may issue a Nebraska Certificate of Reciprocity to the individual which will state the following: The State of Nebraska and the Training Division recognize {Applicants Name} as having been certified by {Entity Name} which is a program recognized by either the NBFSPQ or by IFSAC.  The Training Division may issue a Certificate of Reciprocity for the level of the standard and corresponding edition for the original certificate of certification from the other entity. 
  7. If an individual is applying for a position in the State of Nebraska and need the Certificate of Reciprocity as part of the hiring process; the Training Division will review the request and contact the fire department where application has been made to verify the individual’s intent.
  8. If the application process is valid, the Training Division will send to the individual and fire department an official letter stating the intent of the Training Division to issue the certificate once the fire department confirms the individual has been hired or has been accepted as a member of the organization.
  9. Once the individual has been hired or accepted as a member, the organization must send an official letter to the Training Division Office and the Certificate of Reciprocity will be issued upon appropriate request of the individual.


Request for Certificate of Reciprocity