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Nebraska State Fire Marshal

Doug Hohbein, Interim State Fire Marshal

One-Call Notification System Act

In 1994, the Nebraska Legislature passed a law called The One Call Notification System Act. It can be found in the Revised Statutes of Nebraska from Sections 76-2301 to 76-2332. The law states that everyone who excavates or disturbs the surface of the ground in the State of Nebraska, must first dial 811 (formerly Digger's Hotline), 2 (two) business days in advance to have all underground utilities located. This legislation includes, but is not limited to: contractors, homeowners and personal property owners.

The number to call is 811 or 1-800-331-5666 or For more information view the One Call Act and also see Title 155, Chapter 2.

One Call Board Members List (Updated: 10/25/2023)