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Nebraska State Fire Marshal

Doug Hohbein, Interim State Fire Marshal

Public Display Operators

What do I need to do to become a Public Display Operator?

You must be at least 18 years old, complete the online application, and take a test administered by State Fire Marshal personnel.


How long is a license valid?

A license is valid for three (3) years. Licenses expire the last day of the month in which it was issued.


Can I just come and take the test whenever I want?

No. The test is given on the third Tuesday of each month and at Fire School in May. The monthly tests are conducted in Lincoln, North Platte, Omaha, and Grand Island. Refer to the Fireworks Display Operator Test Schedule for the actual dates and locations.

If you have questions regarding testing dates, rescheduling, or agency policies, please contact Noelle Crew at (402) 471-2027.


Do you accept licenses from other states?



Is there any cost for the license?

No, there is no charge for a Public Display Operator’s license.


Why do I need a license to shoot fireworks?

State Fire Marshal regulations requires any public display where Class B fireworks will be shot to be supervised by a licensed Public Display Operator. If Class C (consumer) fireworks, those that are bought at retail stands, are being shot it is not necessary to have a license.


Does everyone involved in putting on a public display need to be licensed?

No. There only needs to be one licensed Public Display Operator present and supervising the display. The Display Operator who is to be supervising the display is the person that was listed as the Public Display Operator on the Public Firework Display permit.


Where can I get training on shooting fireworks?

The State Fire Marshal’s Office does not provide training. Contact a firework distributor to find out if they provide training or know where you can receive training.