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Nebraska State Fire Marshal

Doug Hohbein, Interim State Fire Marshal

Fire Fighter II

Fire Fighter II Course Description and Certification Requirements

Course Description:

Firefighter 2 is based on the objectives as identified in the NFPA 1001, 2013 edition, Standard for Firefighter Professional Qualifications.  This course builds on the knowledge and skills of firefighter 1 and prepares a person to assume the role of an incident commander while operating within a command structure, understand and use foam, operate vehicle extrication tools and safely perform a vehicle rescue operation, safely attack a fire in a compressed gas container, understand the basics of a fire investigation and determine the point of origin and protect possible evidence of arson, test fire hose and perform service maintenance on various gas powered fans, generators and rescue equipment.

Course Delivery Methods:

  • Traditional Class:  Five (5)-sessions for a total of 75 hours of classroom and hands on skills
  • Not Offered in Blended Learning format at this time


Fire Fighter II Certification