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Nebraska State Fire Marshal

Doug Hohbein, Interim State Fire Marshal

Vehicle Extrication

Course Description:

These courses cover the complete cycle of vehicle rescue operations. Classroom topics include utilization of equipment, personal safety, response, assessment, hazard control, support operations, access and disentanglement, and special vehicles. Extensive hands-on practical exercises are utilized to allow students to perform in simulated environments. This course meets selected objectives of NFPA 1001 Standard for Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications, Chapter 5 (Firefighter 2) and areas of NFPA 1006, Standard for Technical Rescuer Professional Qualifications, Chapter 5 and 6.

(12 hours)

This course covers various hand and power tools and procedures used to successfully stabilize and remove victims of vehicle accidents from the wreckage. Students will be able to operate the tools under the supervision of a qualified instructor.

  • Lesson 1-Vehicle anatomy, safety, tools and equipment, IMS - 3 hours
  • Lesson 2-Hands-on hand tools - 3 hours
  • Lesson 3-Hands-on hydraulics and air tools - 3 hours
  • Lesson 4-Scenario’s and evaluation of class - 3 hours