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Nebraska State Fire Marshal

Doug Hohbein, Interim State Fire Marshal

Plans Submittal

Electronic Applications

Electronic Plan Submission <-- Click here to submit new plans for review
  • Plans Submittal Application Walk-Through (Updated 9/4/24) - Detailed instructions on how to use the above electronic form.
  • Ensure you are providing the city assigned address under "Location Information" as other agencies (DHHS, city building divisions, etc) need the addresses provided to MATCH; exceptions will be made for Preliminary Plans.
  • Plans attachments should be submitted in 1-3 files in PDF format and under 4 GB (4,000 MB) total (Do not attach file folders, ZIP folders, or photos) This application requires either Google Chrome or Edge (formerly Firefox).
  • For emergency generators located at cell towers, please apply through the Fuels Division under "AST Install Application".
Electronic Addendum/Revision Form <-- Click here to change or add to plans already submitted
  • A prior Plan Submission number is required (meaning you have submitted to the State Fire Marshal's under "Electronic Plan Submission". Your plan number is contained in the Email Subject sent to you when a plan is placed into "Awaiting Assignment". It is in a (MM###-YY) format.

Check Your Submission Status

  • Updated weekly. Check the status of a Plans Application in one of four status categories.
  • Make sure you have marked as "Not Spam" to received OnBase's automated messages.


Plan Review Fees

Invoices will be sent to the email listed for the Submitting Party. Please double check that your email has been entered correctly. Invoices will be sent within 1 full business day after submission.

Additional Plans Applications and Information

Equivalency form, Fire Suppression System Application for Water-Based Fire Protection, Fire Protection of Cooking Operations.