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Nebraska State Fire Marshal

Doug Hohbein, Interim State Fire Marshal

FF I Certification Information

NFPA Standard: 1001, 2019, Chapter 4

Accredited: IFSAC: Yes       NPQS: Yes

Prerequisites: Firefighter I (NFPA 1072, Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations)

A person who completes the Firefighter I course will demonstrate the knowledge and ability to tie appropriate knots, don personal protective equipment including SCBA and firefighter turnout gear, understand the role of a firefighter I in the fire service organization, have a basic understanding of incident command, communicate with the use of radios and telephones during emergency and non-emergency situations, participate as a member of a team while extinguishing vehicle fires, exterior and interior Class A fires, ground cover fires, perform vertical and horizontal ventilation, establish water supply, perform overhaul and salvage operations and use a variety of tools. Individuals who desire to complete this course should be in general good health and have the physical ability to complete strenuous and physically demanding work.


Firefighter I Certification Requirements

Meet Pre-requisites of Certification at HM Operations (NFPA 1072)

Candidates must be at least 18 years of age and be affiliated with an emergency response agency within the state of Nebraska

Candidates must provide documentation of Completion of Basic First Aid and CPR Class

Candidates must complete a Practical Skills Examination (PSE) with a "Passing" score

Candidates must complete an 100 question Written Examination with a passing score of 70% or higher

Reference List:

  • NFPA 1001, Standard for Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications, 2019 Edition, Chapter 4
  • Jones and Bartlett, 4th Edition, Fundamentals of Fire Fighter Skills


Sample Fire Fighter I Written Exam

Sample Fire Fighter I Practical Skills


These forms are required by testing date deadline:


Fire Fighter I Training