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Nebraska State Fire Marshal

Doug Hohbein, Interim State Fire Marshal

Fire Fighter I

Course Description:

Firefighter I is based on the objectives as identified in the NFPA 1001, 2013 edition, Standard for Firefighter Professional Qualifications.  This is the basic level of firefighting skills and knowledge that prepares a person the ability to safely operate within an Incident Command structure, to don protective equipment including SCBA, use appropriate tools and equipment to extinguish various types of fires including structure fires, vehicle fires, ground cover fires and other types of fires that a community could encounter. Training and knowledge also include the use of ladders, ropes, hose, and nozzles, salvage covers, and a variety of hand and power tools.

Course Delivery Methods:

  • Traditional Class:  Six (6)-sessions for a total of 86 hours of classroom and hands on skills
  • Blended Learning Class: 56 hours self-paced learning, 40 hours hands on skill sessions


Fire Fighter I Certification